Training Programme 2025

Learn to sail with us

Our training is hands on, with learners receiving close support from our Training Team.

If you are interested in learning to sail with us, please keep an eye on this page for updates on what sessions we will be holding and when. You can reserve your place and pay for your course through our WebCollect page here.

Alternatively, feel free to contact our Training Principal for further information.

Anyone considering learning to sail with us should read our Club’s Code of Conduct.

RYA accredited training

We offer training courses as a centre accredited by the Royal Yachting Association.

The RYA dinghy sailing scheme allows a newcomer to gain a Level I or Level II certificate recognised throughout the United Kingdom.

We also run Level I and Level II powerboat training and First Aid training.

Group of four young people learning to sail at Llyn Brenig.
Two girls learning to sail at Llyn Brenig.
Group of young people learning to sail at Llyn Brenig.
Learning to sail at Llyn Brenig.

2025 Saturday Club for Younger Sailors

Llyn Brenig Sailing Club is holding its Saturday Club on eight
Saturdays during May – August 2025 to provide low-cost, closely supervised training to youngsters (aged 7 – 17 years) who wish to start to learn to sail or to develop their skills as ‘newbie’ dinghy sailors.

Sessions will be held on 10th May, 31st May, 7th June, 21st June, 12th July, 2nd August, 9th August and 23rd August.

Morning sessions will run from 0930 – 1230; afternoon sessions from 1300 – 1600.

Participants will be given an initial taste of dinghy sailing – either as ‘crew’ on a dinghy sailed by one of the Instructors or single-handed in a suitable training dinghy – according to their level of confidence.

Thereafter they will receive instruction according to the Royal Yachting Association’s “Get On Board” Youth Sailing Scheme syllabus, which – with satisfactory, regular progress over the three months – will result in the award of either a Stage 1 (Beginner) or Stage 2 (Intermediate) Certificate.

No minimum number of sessions is set, but we expect that at least 5 or 6 sessions will be needed for such certification.

For more details, please download this information sheet [PDF].

RYA Dinghy Level 1 / Level 2 Training Courses 2025.

Taught by RYA-accredited Dinghy Instructors under the supervision of a Senior Instructor, these courses will last 2 days (approx. 16 hours in total).

The courses will run on the weekends of: 26th / 27th April, 24th / 25th May, 28th / 29th June, 26th / 27th July.

Each trainee will be trained and assessed against the RYA Level 1 syllabus, which includes rigging, wind awareness, ropework, sailing techniques & manoeuvres, launching and recovery, some sailing theory and background, clothing and equipment, meteorology and capsize recovery – with the aim of each qualifying for the RYA’s Level 1 Dinghy Sailing Certificate.

Trainees whose aptitude and ability show sufficient progress will be taken on into the RYA Level 2 syllabus, which includes more advanced levels of rigging for weather conditions, ropework, sailing techniques and manoeuvres, close-quarter handling, launching and recovery, capsize recovery, introductory racing, meteorology, anchoring and safety equipment, with the aim of qualifying for the RYA’s Level 2 Dinghy Sailing Certificate.

Youngsters will receive the equivalent RYA Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 Certificates.

For more details, please download this information sheet [PDF].